Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why did Allah swt narrate Bani Israel's stories in Quran?

Subhanallah have we ever wondered why this Quran is filled with so many stories of Bani Israel (descendants of Yaqub A.S)? What do we have to do with what Bani Israel did?

Bani Israel were the chosen people of their time. Allah swt blessed them with numerous worldly blessings (freedom them from the enslavement of Pharoah, lands, kings, etc.) and religious blessings (religious scriptures, prophets, religious supremacy, etc.). But they were not grateful to Allah swt, were arrogant, disobeyed Allah swt and His messengers, killed some of the messengers (Yahya a.s. and Zakariyah a.s.) and conspired to kill Eesa a.s. This is why Allah swt took away their religious supremacy from them and sent the last messenger (Prophet Muhammad saw) from the descendants of Ismael a.s.

In the same way as Bani Israel were the chosen people of their time, we (Muslims) are the chosen people of this time We have the blessings of Islam, Quran and Sunnah. All these stories of Bani Israel in Quran are there to teach us lessons so that we take heed from them and do not repeat the same mistakes which they did. We should check ourselves how grateful are we to Allah swt for this blessing of Quran. Subhanallah, we place Quran on the highest shelves but it ranks the lowest in our lives! Do we use Quran to obtain guidance from it or just consider it as a means of adding barakah in our lives. We get so furious when somebody attacked the honour of our Prophet saw but do we really implement his Sunnah in our daily lives? What about our Salahs? We perform them as chores without feeling any connection with Allah swt. Despite doing all this we complain Allah swt for inflicting all these trials on the Muslim Ummah. These trials are in fact, the wake-up calls for us. Allah wants to give us a second chance to realize our sins, seek sincere Tawbah and reform ourselves by connecting ourselves directly with the book of Allah swt. We can only seek guidance from Quran if we will try to understand it and implement it in our lives.

May Allah swt enable us to become His grateful and obedient servants and make all the trials as a means of getting closer to Him, Aameen!

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